
Hey angels,

I created my blog back in 2016.. Whilst I haven’t been the most consistent on here, I’ve truly missed my love for writing and talking about my absolute passion – Makeup!

You don’t need to have the latest things to be able to talk about products and show the things you love, I sure as hell don’t have the funds to be buying new products every week.

I do also want to talk about mental health on my blog aswell, which is why I like the phrase under my name; Beauty, Lifestyle and Chit Chat. I really would love my blog to be able to reach as many people as possible. I’ll dedicate one day a week purely dedicated to mental health, its something I have been struggling with for over the past 12 years so I really believe talking about mental health could at least help one of you guys, it would mean the world.

I will update this section with a solid day when the dedicated mental health post with go up when I know for sure.

I hope to see you all in the comment section.

Stay true to yourselves

Instagram: Everythingbeauty992_